EDM Filter

EDM Filter*
SF EDM filter cartridges to clean the dielectric fluid of work-piece and electrode abrasion
Filter medium: cellulose
Style A: plastic end plates with gaskets and recessed grips
Style B: metal end plates with gaskets and one montage clampStyle A Style BSF-part number Style Fineness
(cm²)Height H Dimensions (mm) Ø A Ø B + C SE 1-3002-6 B 5 15.000 262 150 31 SE 1-3002-40 B 40 19.000 262 150 31 SE 1-3003-6-K A 4 38.800 373 145 31 SE 1-3003-6-K40 A 5 34.000 375 144 31 SE 1-3003-10 B 10 24.570 363 150 31 SE 1-3003-10-K A 5 30.980 375 144 32 SE 1-3003-15 B 15 21.500 359 150 32 SE 1-3003-20 B 20 21.500 359 150 32 SE 1-3003-25-K A 25 30.980 375 144 32 SE 1-3003-40 B 40 21.500 359 150 32 SE 1-3010-6 B 10 55.400 290 260 50 SE 1-3013-6 B 5 23.200 457 150 89 SE 2-3022-50/M B 40 (wire mesh) 17.550 365 150 32 -
EDM Filter - Disk Filter
SF EDM filter cartridges to clean the dielectric fluid of work-piece and electrode abrasion
Filter medium: cellulose disks
Metal end plates with gaskets and one montage clampStyle with clampSF-part number Style Fineness
(cm²)Height H Dimensions (mm) Ø A Ø B + C SE 3-3000-10 clamp 5 8.850 368 150 32 SE 3-3001-10 clamp 5 6.175 254 150 32 -
EDM Filter Housings
SF EDM filter housings: carbon steel with cast aluminium cover
NBR gasket: compatible with mineral oils, glycol-water and oil emulsions
Volume flow: FEC 070: 70 l/min.
FEC 140: 140 l/min.
Number of elements: FEC 070: 1 filter cartridge
FEC 140: 2 filter cartridges
working pressure: max. 6 bar
working temperature: -20°C - +100°C
thread: G ¾"
other versions on enquirySE 1, SE2 and SE3SF-part number A-B C D E F G H I L G FEC 070-XXX-X-AG G ¾" 172 410 210 350 510 225 112 91 118 FEC 140-XXX-X-AG G ¾" 172 920 720 870 1020 225 112 91 118
SF-part number Style Fineness
(cm²)Height H Dimensions (mm)Ø A Ø B + C SE 1-3003-6-K SE 1 4 38.800 373 145 32 SE 1-3003-10-K SE 1 5 30.980 375 144 32 SE 1-3003-25-K SE 1 25 30.980 375 144 32 SE 2-3024-7 SE 2 7 22.550 370 150 32 SE 3-3000-10 SE 3 5 8.850 368 150 32 -
EDM Filter with...
SF EDM filter cartridges to clean the dielectric fluid of work-piece and electrode abrasion
Filter medium: cellulose
Style A: metal end plates with gaskets, without montage clamp
Style B: metal end plates with gaskets and one montage clampStyle A without clamp and Style B with clampSF-part number Style Fineness
(cm²)Height H Dimensions (mm)Ø A Ø B + C SE 2-3003-15PH B 15 26.700 358 150 32 SE 2-3003-35PH B 35 26.700 358 150 32 SE 2-3005-6 B 7 25.900 362 196 30 SE 2-3006-6 A 4 93.600 502 302 29 SE 2-3006-6SK A 5 98.200 508 300 30 SE 2-3008-6 B 5 28.640 340 260 36 SE 2-3015-35PH A 35 22.400 482 137 32 SE 2-3015-6 A 5 22.400 482 137 38 SE 2-3016-6 A 4 96.000 441 344 46 SE 2-3017-6 A 7 50.200 303 344 45 SE 2-3018-24 B 25 11.880 250 140 32 SE 2-3024-4 B 2 38.800 362 150 32 SE 2-3024-7 B 7 22.550 370 150 32 SE 2-3026-15 A 10 113.360 300 340 76