PLV / Polver / polypropylene filter cartridges (polypropylene with borosilicate microfibres)

PLV / Polver / polypropylene filter cartridges (polypropylene with borosilicate microfibres)


Food and beverages
Chemicals and pharmaceuticals industry 
End caps:
Product properties:

Filter material

Filter medium comprised of borosilicate fibres with PP supporting structure, PP end caps and PP outer cover

Maximum temperature resistance (°C) 80°C
Maximum flow rate at 10" (l/h) 1200 l/h
Maximum differential pressure (bar) 4 bar (bei 80°C)
5 bar (bei 35°C)
Sterilisation In steam or autoclave, 20 minutes at 126°C
PLV / Polver / polypropylene filter cartridges (polypropylene with borosilicate microfibres)

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