  • PA5601365

GFi 27/27 CJC PA5601365 Filter insert

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Gear Filter insert, GFi 27/27

Oil Filtration & Flushing insert for Wind Turbine Gearboxes

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The CJC™ Gear Filter insert, GFi 27/27 is specially designedfor filtration and flushing of wind turbine gears. The CJC™GFi 27/27 has a high capacity for submicron particles and isdocumented to remove considerable amounts of particlesdown to the size of 0.1 microns.

The filter insert is optimized for high performance in:

 air-containing oil

 variable temperature conditions

 used oil

This filter insert is applicable for viscosities in the range ISOVG 320-480 cSt.



Particle Removal

The CJC™ GFi 27/27 has been designed for efficient removalof both hard and soft particles. Particles above approx.>1 microns are removed by mechanical filtration,smaller particles <1 micron are removed primarily bymeans of Van der Waal forces and electrochemical forces.

Filtration degree:

21 μm absolute: >99.9 % of all solid particles > 21 μm

6 μm absolute: >99.5 % of all solid particles > 6 μm

4 μm absolute: >99.0 % of all solid particles > 4 μm

2 μm absolute: >80.0 % of all solid particles > 2 μm

1 μm absolute: >50.0 % of all solid particles > 1 μm

0.1 μm absolute: >10.0 % of all solid particles >0.1 μm

Degradation Products

Oxidation by-products, resin/sludge, used additives andwax formations are retained by the cellulose material.The cellulose will absorb and adsorb up to approx. 1 kgof soluble oxidation products. Used wind turbine oil willtypically contain a small amount of highly catalytically activeatomic iron (Fe). The CJC™ cellulose combination hasbeen documented by ICP analysis to effectively reduce theamount of free iron in oil.

Water Removal

The CJC™ GFi 27/27 will remove large amounts of freewater if present in the oil, in documented cases up to 4000ml of water. Please refer to the CJC™ Water/Cellulose/Oil Equilibrium datasheet for specification of the removalcapacity of dissolved water.



The figures below are nominal:

Diameter: 27 cm (10.6”)

Height: 27 cm (10.6”)



The CJC™ GFi 27/27 consist of bonded double discs consistingof 4 different types of cellulose fibres. Each type of fiberperforms a special function in terms of filtration and conditioningof the oil. Due to the large internal surface area ofthe cellulosic fibers the CJC™ GFi 27/27 has the capability ofacting as a free radical scavenger thus reducing the degradationrate of the oil.





To order the CJC™ GFi 27/27, please use:

Article No:1 x GFi 27/27: PA5601365


Data sheet

Part Number

Specific References
